About Me

Hello! Thanks for stopping by! My name is Alyssa. I was born and raised in Southwestern Pennsylvania (where we say yinz instead of y'all and pop instead of soda). I am currently living and working in Northern Virginia as a forensic scientist. I have a passion for so many artistic avenue-, including drawing, painting, crafts, and photography. I also love cooking, baking, traveling, and trying new things. This blog will be a compilation of my life and all things that I love.

The Great Gatsby. The Kennedy's. Marilyn Monroe. The Color Pink. Peonies. Leopard print. Glitter. Freshly painted nails. Owls. Giraffes. Foxes. Lobsters. Bows. Hearts. Cupcakes. Watercolor. NYC. Washington DC. Hello Kitty. Butterflies. Mason jars. Cameras. Poloroids. Mint. Coral. Decorating. Books. Music. Teacups. Peach tea. Pink lemonade. DIY. Crafts. Darth Vader. Travel. 
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I have had a few blog names before. I have had a few blogs before. This blog, however, arose from my need for something more permanent. Something more mature. I wanted a blog that could grow with me and wasn't set in a single niche. This is a lifestyle blog that chronicles my life with my boyfriend and our three furbabies.

Any other questions?
Email me at: northernnovember@yahoo.com

1 comment:

  1. Hi Alyssa!
    i was looking for a contact page but since i didnt, i wnated to let you know that I recently found you blog on blogloving and I’m LOVING it! I was nominated for a Liebster Award, and I want to nominate you. The blogpost is up, so you can check it and add your own blogpost to your blog, plus the badge that you won one!
    You can check it out here, http://coffeebeansandhighheels.weebly.com/randomness/liebster-award-3-and-4. You will find the rules and the questions for you to answer.
    Hope you have fun doing it and that you find more amazing blogs!
    Good luck!
